Author TD Barnes Channel 5 Fox News Henderson, NV Interview

Books by Author:
EMP – Book 1 – Nuclear Winter
EMP – Book 2 – Nuclear Spring
EMP – Book 3 – Nuclear Summer
The Wildcatter
The Senator
The White Hats
Soaring with the Eagles
The Secret Genesis of Area 51
Book 1 – The Angels
Book 2 – The Archangels
Book 3 – The Company Business

Books available on CreateSpace, Smashwords, Apple, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Sony.
eBooks are available at Smashwords, Nook, iTunes, KOBO, and Amazon with distribution in the USA, UK Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and Japan.
Available in paperback at Createspace, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon with distribution in the USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, Australia, India, Brazil, and Canada.

Author TD Barnes Releases his Latest Novel “Evolution – A Space Odyssey from Earth”

For five years the four had trained together for the first manned flight to Mars. All, two men and two women, an American, a Canadian, a Japanese American, and an African-Australian were astronauts, having spent one tour on the International Space Station during training and another four months as they prepared an orbital launch of the SpaceCorp-owned spaceship Explorer. An over-burn of its rockets due to sabotage during departure dooms the Mars mission and leaves the Explorer and crew no choice but look for a new planet or asteroid to colonize. That’s what the US military and intelligence agencies wants everyone on Earth to think. In truth, the Explorer was on a dual mission, one to prepare a venue for colonization and the other a militarized mission to test a new device in space. There was no going back after they found what they were seeking.

Other Books by Author:
EMP – Book 1 – Nuclear Winter
EMP – Book 2 – Nuclear Spring
EMP – Book 3 – Nuclear Summer
The Wildcatter
The Senator
The White Hats
Soaring with the Eagles
The Secret Genesis of Area 51
Book 1 – The Angels
Book 2 – The Archangels
Book 3 – The Company Business

Books available on CreateSpace, Smashwords, Apple, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Sony.
eBooks are available at Smashwords, Nook, iTunes, KOBO, and Amazon with distribution in the USA, UK Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and Japan.
Available in paperback at Createspace, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon with distribution in the USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, Australia, India, Brazil, and Canada.

Area 51 Author TD Barnes on Coast to Coast w/George Knapp Dec 17, 2017

Midnight December 17, 2017, Area 51 veteran and author TD Barnes will make his third appearance on the Coast-to-Coast radio show with George Knapp. Barnes will discuss his latest book release, a 3-book CIA Area 51 Chronicles titled “The Angels,” “The Archangels,” and “The Company Business.” The Angels cover why the CIA was chosen to build and fly the U-2 under Project AQUATONE, and why the agency developed what is known as Area 51 in Nevada to flight test the plane.
The Archangels cover the CIA’s Mach 3, 90,000 feet intended successor to the U-2 that secrets flew 2,850 flights out of Area 51 during Project OXCART and 29 operational missions over the Far East and Southeast Asia.
The Company Business covers what the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Science and Technology was doing at Area 51 for ten years following the retirement of the A-12 Archangel. The author, TD Barnes participated in these projects in some instances including as a member of the Special Projects team at Area 51.

Other Books by Author:
EMP – Book 1 – Nuclear Winter
EMP – Book 2 – Nuclear Spring
EMP – Book 3 – Nuclear Summer
The Wildcatter
The Senator
The White Hats
Soaring with the Eagles
The Secret Genesis of Area 51
Book 1 – The Angels
Book 2 – The Archangels
Book 3 – The Company Business

Books are available on CreateSpace, Smashwords, Apple, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Sony.
eBooks are available at Smashwords, Nook, iTunes, KOBO, and Amazon with distribution in the USA, UK Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and Japan.
Available in paperback at Createspace, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon with distribution in the USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, Australia, India, Brazil, and Canada.

TD Barnes, Author of The CIA Area 51 Chronicles a Guest at CIA Headquarters

On October 13, Frank Murray (CIA A-12 pilot), Harry Martin (AF fuels specialist), and TD Barnes, former Area 51 Special Projects and author of The CIA Area 51 Chronicles were the guests at CIA Headquarters where we interviewed with historians, Public Affairs, the EAA, and the CIA Museum Director. The Central Intelligence Agency staff treated them to a private lunch at Hqs. The three-book series is The Angels about the U-2 plane and the genesis of Area 51. The book “The Archangels cover the CIA’s A-12 spyplane era. The Company Business covers what the CIA did at Area 51 following the A-12 project OXCART. These include the stealth programs and the exploitation of foreign technology. The photos are believed to be the first ever taken of visitors at the A-12 plane.

Author TD Barnes to Speak Before At the November Pioneering Las Vegas History Luncheon

November 17, 2017
Nevada State Museum
Las Vegas, Nevada
Area 51 Veteran and Author TD Barnes to Speak At the November Pioneering Las Vegas History Luncheon. The subject will be the CIA at Area 51, declassified in 2017 and recently published in Barnes’ CIA Area 51 Chronicles, a three-book series titled: The Angels, The Archangels, and The Company Business.
Other Books by Author:
EMP – Book 1 – Nuclear Winter
EMP – Book 2 – Nuclear Spring
EMP – Book 3 – Nuclear Summer
The Wildcatter
The Senator
The White Hats
Soaring with the Eagles
The Secret Genesis of Area 51

Electromagnetic Pulse: North Korea’s Latest Threat Against U.S. Mirrors EMP Book by TD Barnes

TEOTWAWK. “The end of the world as we know it” This ring true when a new US missile defense measure causes a nuclear-tipped Chinese rocket test to change course and target Beijing. In the heat of the moment, a Chinese missile officer triggers the release of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) device in Earth orbit as part of the nation’s deterrent to a pre-emptive attack. The incident triggers the release of nuclear weapons that brings the dreaded nuclear winter that circles the globe for four years. Ninety percent of the Earth’s population will perish in the aftermath.
The EMP series realistically depicts the life of a group of survivors living underground in the wake of an EMP and nuclear attack that destroys electronic devices and the electric power grids over much of the world. The story follows the life of a group of survivors sheltered inside the unused Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository at Jackass Flats, Nevada. At the same time, book one of the EMP series depicts what to expect in such a dreadful event that could happen at the hands of a rogue nation. North Korea, Iran, or even terrorists can deliver such a device on board a ship or even a backpack from across the border of a targeted nation. It could be a matter of when rather than a matter of if. In any case, the desperate efforts to survive following such an attack will be brutal above all imagination.
Books available on CreateSpace, Smashwords, Apple, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Sony.
eBooks are available at Smashwords, Nook, iTunes, KOBO, and Amazon with distribution in the USA, UK Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and Japan.
Available in paperback at Createspace, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon with distribution in the USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, Australia, India, Brazil, and Canada.

George Knapp Interviews Area 51 Veteran and Author TD Barnes

The CIA Area 51 Chronicles is a three-book illustrated series covering the CIA era at Area 51 from 1955 to 1979.

Earlier this month, Barnes release a 4th book, “Aviation Legions of the Battle Born State,” recognizing the men, women, and organizations who pioneered aerospace and aviation in the Battle Born State of Nevada. Becoming the West Coast line of Defense during World War II, Nevada has produced the most astronauts of any state, the NERVA nuclear rocket engine, and the classified science and technology developed in obscurity at venues such as Area 51 & TTR.

Barnes has a 5th book, “The Secret Genesis of Area 51” being released on September 4 by publisher Arcadia/History Press.

The United States and the Soviet Union are in a Cold War and have fought a proxy war in Korea. The Soviet Union is expanding Communism behind its closed borders and is competing with the United States in the Nuclear, weapons, and space races. The United States needs to know what the Soviet Union is up to behind the Iron Curtain, but to do so requires a revolutionary surveillance plane capable of overflying the Soviet Union undetected and high enough to escape the missiles of its Cold War enemy. When the US Air Force refuses to develop such a plane, the US president goes to the Central Intelligence Agency who undertakes the development of the U-2 plane. The CIA needs a remote location to secretly develop the U-2 and to train its pilots. The agency selects a remote site in Nevada along the nation’s western line of defense established in World War II. The secret location becomes known as Area 51.

NVAHOF Director TD Barnes Releases Book “Aviation Legends of the Battle Born State”

The Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame Executive Director, TD Barnes has a 186-page book depicting the aviation and aerospace legends and pioneers who made history by their deeds and accomplishments in the Battle Born state of Nevada. The proceeds from all book sales will go to the non-profit 501(C)3 NVAHOF corporation to support its mission of recognizing the men, women, and organizations who pioneered aerospace and aviation in the Battle Born State of Nevada. Becoming the West Coast line of Defense during World War II, Nevada has produced the most astronauts of any state, the NERVA nuclear rocket engine, and the classified science and technology developed in obscurity at venues such as Area 51 & TTR.
Nevada, the Battle Born state was selected as the nation’s west coast line of defense during World War II. Ever since, Nevada has hosted the Army Air Corps, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, US Army, and the Navy for the development of the nation’s most highly classified activities and achievements that played a large part in winning the Cold War and all other wars in between. The state of Nevada has been a Mecca for independent people who wanted to do new and different things. Among the state’s unique accomplishments were the pioneering of space travel during which Nevada produced more astronauts than any other state. Nevada hosted the development of nuclear power for space exploration and as a deterrent to aggression by our enemies. The state’s development and testing of the accouterments of space, war, and defense have contributed to our nation’s successes. With the initial U-2 plane flight tests at Groom Lake, almost every flight established a new world altitude record for manned flight. The flights of the CIA’s A-12 spy plane at Groom Lake set world altitude and speed records that still stand today. 
Nevada has continued to exhibit its unique heritage through many aerospace pioneers and programs that have been either based here or in the interest of national security-based elsewhere but commuted to conduct their activities within the state of Nevada. Though these individuals and programs made major contributions to the state of Nevada, the United States, and the free world, little is known of some because many of these aerospace pioneers and icons made sacrifices and contributions in ultra secrecy at locations that even today are not well-known. Contributing to their obscurity, they often used pseudo names in the interest of national security, thus ensuring that they remained nonexistent until declassification of the associated programs. In many instances, national security concerns required these aerospace pioneers to reside in another state and commute to work at secret venues in Nevada. This occurred with the CIA when it chose Nevada for the Agency’s Area 51 to develop the U-2 spy plane. 
Formed 1 December 2008, the Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame (NVAHOF) is a non-profit, educational institution dedicated to preserving the legacy of these men and women who pioneered and advanced our nation’s aerospace within and above the State of Nevada. 
NVAHOF serves as an educational tool to assist both researchers and the general public in better understanding the very significant aerospace history of Nevada as well as a means of recognizing those hidden beneath the shroud of secrecy who contributed so much to their country. 

The book is available in paperback at:
The book is available as an ebook at:
Executive Director: TD Barnes