On June 7, Area 51 veteran and author of the EMP, Jihad America, and CIA Area 51 Chronicles provided an interview on his series and his time at Area 51 that Smashwords had released. Smashwords Interview
Rating: They all, President Truman, the Army, Air Force, Navy, and the Marine Corps feared the Central Intelligence Agency, yet the president tasked it with doing something that the Air Force would not do. That was to develop a manned overhead reconnaissance program to spy on Russia. Despite many technological and bureaucratic hurdles, the CIA, […]
On March 22, 2017, TD Barnes, Area 51 veteran, and author joined CIA pilot Frank Murray, CIA codename Dutch 20, in a presenting the CIA’s Project OXCART legacy at Area 51 and its Operation BLACK SHIELD flying reconnaissance over North Vietnam and North Korea. In 2012, Barnes inshrined Frank Murray into the Nevada Aerospace Hall […]
16 May 2017 Henderson, Nevada TD Barnes, founder and the first executive director of the Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame resumes that role from Director Dr. Dan Bubb. It is anticipated that many of the original staff of officers will return following their dismissal by former Director Robert Friedrichs who replaced Barnes when he stepped […]
On 27 January 2017, Author TD Barnes lecture on the CIA’s Area 51 drew a record crowd. For more about the lecture see Professor James Lint’s article at article TD Barnes Lecture on the Evolution of the CIA’s Area 51 TD Barnes is the author of “The MiGs over Nevada,” “My Odyssey to Area 51,” […]
In Book 1, First Strike Jihad America, Islamic jihadists target wildcatter Hoot Hanson for its first strike. In this Book 2, threats to his family and his company intensify, leading to a radicalized Islamic jihadist cell abducting Hanson’s twin daughter to sell to the jihad. Hanson declares his personal war against the jihadists, gaining FBI […]
Hoot Hanson, a struggling oil wildcatter in Oklahoma hits a gusher, drawing notoriety that attracts the attention of an unscrupulous Muslim attorney acting as a liaison for the Department of Homeland Security. The attorney is secretly funding Islamic ISIS fighters in the Middle East. A massacre occurs when the Islamic Jihad targets Hanson Oil for […]
Book Three. After four years, the EMP and nuclear winter survivors leave their underground refuge in Yucca Mountain to resettle at Nellis AFB outside Las Vegas. They battle Islamic jihadists arriving from Central America seeking to control Hoover Dam for an Islamic State in Arizona. Global weather changes and radioactive dust from an El Nino […]
Book 2 of the EMP series realistically depicts life two years post World War III. The survivors of a global EMP and nuclear exchange briefly venture out of their underground refuge in Yucca Mountain only to face battle with hostile foreign survivors. An embedded terrorist causes considerable death and ignites military action where Colonel Bradley’s […]
Book 1. A regional war in the Middle East becomes WW III. An atmospheric EMP attack reduces almost all world technology back to the 7th Century. Colonel Bradley takes charge of a chosen group sheltered inside the Yucca Mountain underground complex in Nevada. For two years, this mismatch of personalities struggle to survive living confined […]
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